This is the first Christmas season where I haven't been with Mom and Dad for at least part of the season. So I guess that is making me a little sentimental. This post is mainly for them, so the rest of you can stop reading now...unless of course you want to be sentimental with me!
Today as I was reflecting on my list of to do's for the Christmas season, I was struck with how different this Christmas is from any other I have experienced before. I began thinking about what gifts I needed to buy for Stefan and Brian, what goodies I needed to make and the many other things that come up during this season. Then it hit me. If there are no gifts under the tree on Christmas morning, I'm responsible. If there are no yummy goodies to snack on throughout this season, I'm responsible. If there aren't festive decorations around the house, I'm responsible. What about those special traditions done only at Christmas time? If they aren't happening in my home, I'm responsible. Why? Because I'm Mommy.
All those wonderful gifts, beautifully wrapped didn't just appear. My Mom had to plan and make it happen. Sure I helped bake some of those goodies, but if Mom hadn't been there it wouldn't have happened. And those wonderful Christmas memories? Someone made it all happen so that Christmas was always one of my favorite times of the year.
Even last year. I was nine months pregnant with Stefan. And guess who came in just before Christmas, almost like a Santa. Mom. She made sure there were gifts a plenty under the tree. Our stockings were stuffed full to bursting, and there were tons of yummy treats. We were in my home, but it was Mom that made it all happen.
This year, for the very first time, Mom isn't here. It's completely up to me. I'm glad I can at least talk on the phone and get "help" in that way! Mom, I miss you dreadfully, but I'm thrilled to this year be THE MOM. I hope to pass on as many wonderful memories and traditions to my family as you did to me.