Step 1: Cut up and cook veggies until very tender

Step 2 and 3: Blend until desired
consistency and throw in some pasta (I love
Pastina pasta because it is so tiny there is no need to cut it up) or ground up chicken. Spoon the food into ice cube trays and freeze.

Step 4: Once frozen pop out the food into bags and,
voila, you have a great supply of baby food!
Before you attribute me to some great desire for nutritious food, let me just tell you that it is the $ that spurred me on. When I do my grocery shopping, I take great pleasure in the decreased bill due to not having to buy any baby food. I am also happy that a side benefit is the nutritious value--especially when a lot of the veggies are home grown, thanks to some families in church who are sharing in their bounty from their gardens.