This morning while I was washing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen Stefan wanted to help. He was quite the diligent helper, very intent on making sure the dishes he had were thoroughly cleaned. We had a delightful time chatting together about, well, the normal things one chats with with a 20 month old. I wonder if he'll like washing dishes with his mom this much when he is 15? Probably not. I'm enjoying these days.

(p.s. you know you take a lot of pictures of your child when as soon as he sees the camera he looks up at you with these smiles!)
This was all that was left of the soapy water. All that was left in the bowl that is. I knew you'd ask...the rest of it was on the kitchen floor. Uh huh, I think my kitchen floor has never been cleaned with so much soap and water. And yes, Stefan did require an outfit change.

Was it worth it? You tell me. This was the face he gave me when I said, "show Mommy how much fun you had."

(p.s. you know you take a lot of pictures of your child when as soon as he sees the camera he looks up at you with these smiles!)
This was all that was left of the soapy water. All that was left in the bowl that is. I knew you'd ask...the rest of it was on the kitchen floor. Uh huh, I think my kitchen floor has never been cleaned with so much soap and water. And yes, Stefan did require an outfit change.
Was it worth it? You tell me. This was the face he gave me when I said, "show Mommy how much fun you had."