I recently read a blog post titled somthing like, "You know you are a parent of small children when..." This could very well have been the title of our visit to the mall last Tuesday. Since Donna was here we decided to go to a mall a little further away that "just happens" to have a Cheesecake Factory inside and an IKEA right next door. The perfect place for two sisters to spend the day shopping. Oh yes, did I mention we had small children along? For the remainder of this post I will refer to Stefan and Olivia as SC#1 (Stefan) and SC#2 (Olivia).
You know you have Small Children along when...
--You go to a very large mall to shop and you actually don't go in any clothing store or home decor store, or...
-- You DO go in the lego store and spend a lot of time there watching SC#1 building things
--You go to a restaurant and spend your entire time bouncing SC#2 to try to keep her quiet
--You take turns eating/bouncing so that the evil stares of those around you are kept to a minimum
--SC#2 falls off the booth bench when laying there "sleeping" making Mommy feel the evil stares even more (thankfully SC#1 is absorbed in the spinach dip and sour cream!)
--You forgo the dessert because SC#2 can't handle the restaurant any more (um...did I mention it was the Cheesecake Factory. Still regretting that decision-to leave, I mean!)
--You promptly head to McDonalds to get an ice cream cone for SC#1
--You spend 45 minutes (yes, 45!) watching SC#1 play in the playland at the mall
--You pass by all those stores you wanted to go in because you can't stop walking because SC#2 desperately needs to fall asleep and as soon as the stroller stops moving she is liable to start screaming thereby bringing on more evil stares by passersby.
Oh, I do love my children, but it definitely makes sister outings look a little different than they used to. Thankfully, my sister doesn't mind at all, and we had fun nonetheless--and we did go to IKEA, too!
Donna, feel free to add some more "you know" things in the comment section!