It has been way too long since I have updated this blog. I'm sorry. I guess I have just been busy with other things. Since we do view this blog as a sort of journal, though, I am trying to make the time to jump back into it. I will do my best to update you all on what has been going on and how we're doing since we moved to Louisville with a few random shots of an outing we took a couple of weeks ago.

Since moving here we have really been amazed at God's grace in sustaining us. While moving with a 2 1/2 week old is probably not recommended and certainly was not without its challenges, we have seen God's hand in making the transition smooth. I guess it is to be expected, but some of the things I thought would be difficult weren't, and some things I hadn't thought of have been what has challenged me.

Brian has settled into working three different part-time jobs and maintaining a class load of 9 credits. He is extremely busy and is still in the process of figuring out how to balance family, work, and school. He is so helpful at home, that my biggest fear is that we will hinder him from the time he needs to study. So far, he has been doing stellar at keeping up with all his responsibilities and I am immensely proud of him. I am always amazed at what a catch I got when I married him (Even though I can take absolutely no credit for getting together with him--but that's a whole other story...(-: ).

I am adjusting to three kids fairly well. I was told that three was a BIG adjustment by lots of moms who have "been there, done that." They weren't kidding. It has taken us awhile to get in the groove, especially when it involves going out. I am loving it, though, and can't imagine anything different.
Stefan has really stepped up to the plate and is proving to be a big helper. Sometimes his helpfulness can be when he was pushing Olivia in the stroller while I was holding Silas and he hit a curb. Olivia went face first on the asphalt(still buckled in) and Stefan landed on top of her and the stroller. Oh the drama. But I have learned that with three kids there is going to be drama and unpredictability. It just comes with the territory, I guess! Even though his lack of maturity means that sometimes his help can create more work for me, I still try to encourage the spirit and teach him along the way.
I have a lot more I could say, but I am going to save that for another post. And, yes, I am aware that there are no pictures of Silas in this post. Stay tuned for an entire post dedicated to him. He is so cute he deserves his own post;).