
Monday, June 7, 2010

Fun times with friends!

Today we headed back to the Arboretum, only this time with some of our friends from church. The kids had an absolute blast together (and got completely soaked-what kid doesn't like that?!) and we moms did as well! We walked around the arboretum, played in the fountains and then finished up with a picnic lunch. I'm so blessed to have friends with kids to do things with!

(I got there and realized I had left my camera battery at home. Thankfully someone else had their camera!)
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Donna said...

Oh, what a blast! Water coming out of the ground--what more can a boy ask for?! And friends to boot!

JennieB said...

OH!! So glad that you all had a nice time!! I saw Kristie's reminder around noon yesterday!

Mom and Dad said...

What fun!!