I had a lovely Mother's Day and felt very "loved." Ah yes, loved indeed. I mean, who wouldn't feel loved with these two little ones to love on. Hearing Stefan say, "appy moder's day" was enough to nearly melt my heart, and then add to that the coos and smiles of a nearly (
gasp) three month old. Yep, I'm sold on this mothering thing! Don't get me wrong, it's not
all rosy. In fact, just yesterday I said to my mom, "it's on days like this that I think, how again did you have five children?" Ahem, it was
one of those days. Anyway, Mother's Day was a great day. Our Sunday service was wonderful and the message (the part I heard anyway-I was out doing the mothering thing for part of it) was a huge blessing. I especially appreciated the pastoral prayer which included the mothers, the mother-less, those with bad memories of their mother, the barren women, and the single women with no immediate hope of mothering. It was an excellent reminder that Mother's Day can bring very different emotions to people. We need to be mindful and considerate of them all.

Here I am with my sweet babies. What an awesome blessing
and responsibility it is to mother these two precious children. My prayer is that I would be kingdom focused as I mother them, (again, from Sunday's message) and that I would have as my motivation to make disciples.

And here I am with my beautiful mom. It is the first time I have been with her on Mother's Day since I have been a mother as well. Very special. She taught me everything I know about being a Mom and then some. (We all know she taught me more than I actually know. Maybe someday I will learn it all)
What is one of my favorite memories with my Mom? Thanks for asking, I'd love to share! Reading aloud together the book,
A Woman's High Calling by Elizabeth George one summer, culminated by going on an overnight together to a bed and breakfast. The little get-a-way included shopping, a concert (that was for me, thanks, Mom!), touring a castle together, and of course some more shopping. Oh, and talking. We always talk a lot! (Make that
I always talk a lot. Mom is a good listener!)
So to all you ladies, whether or not you have mothered your own children, if you have ever loved, nurtured, discipled, and cared for children as a Mom, an Auntie, or a mentor, I hope you had a lovely day on Sunday!