Notice where the passy is NOT, and where the finger IS. This is seriously stressful. Really. And if you are thinking, "Oh how cute!" stop right now. I have visions of a ten year old sneaking her finger in her mouth and being made fun of by friends. I mean, I can't just have a ceremony and get rid of the finger.
Well, I tried. Countless times I have taken the finger out and put the passy in. But nope, she's a stubborn girl.
Oh well. I'll stop stressing. Maybe.
Look on the bright side -- you will never have to crawl around on the floor in the middle of the night trying to find the paci for the crying baby!! Save the stressing for when you need to! :-)
VERY true, Jennie. In fact, I was just commenting to Brian that maybe that is why she sleeps well at night. She wakes up and cries for just a minute and then I hear her contentedly sucking and back to sleep she goes. Best part? I didn't get up at all!
Takes after her anutie donna--except that mine was my finger not my thumb! Precious picture!
actually it is her finger, Donna. Her index finger.
Ah yes....we're doing the same thing. Remind me to tell you about our passy adventures!
Ah--she's IS just like her Auntie! How exciting--she must be one special little baby! :-)
Sweet picture! Want me to have Hopie come lay the law down to her?? :)
Thumb/finger suckers are happy babies.....at least that's how I look at it! :-)
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