
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Whirlwind Weekend!

If you have been wondering why the blog has been silent for several days, now you will understand! Stefan and I flew down to Greenville on Friday to be a part of Amy Sutter and Josh Jensen's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and it was also nice to see family and friends. Here are a few snapshots--since I was in the wedding it was hard to take pictures, but here are a few!

The rehearsal/rehearsal dinner

The waiting bride and her maitron of honor (me!) No...she didn't wear black, just waiting to put that beautiful dress on!

Snapshots of the day!
My sister Donna and my Aunt Donna did the cake and it was gorgeous! Donna also coordinated the reception and took the wedding portrait picture you see on the table in the bottom middle picture. She was busy!

It was a great weekend. The only sad part was that we had to leave Brian home:-( Stefan was a good little boy--despite the lack of sleep, his Mommy being very busy with wedding activities, and meeting all kinds of new people!

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Anonymous said...

Love all you pictures!

Anonymous said...

It was great to see you and Stefan -- you sure managed to cram a lot into a short period of time, didn't you?! :-)