We've been enjoying some unexpected flowers popping up in our yard. It's so beautiful to have a little taste of spring sitting on our table. It just makes me smile when I walk by them!

Since it has been so long since I have posted, I haven't told you Olivia's two month stats. We had her appointment at two months and two days and she weighed 11 pounds 1 ounce. Check here to see how she compared to Stefan at exactly two months two days. Just a hint. He had her beat!

What a joy to see my two children "playing" together. It really is such a blessing to see how much Stefan loves his little sister already. I just know they are going to be great pals someday!

Olivia is becoming quite a Daddy's girl, and I'm pretty sure she has wrapped her finger right around her Daddy's heart already.

Olivia is becoming quite a Daddy's girl, and I'm pretty sure she has wrapped her finger right around her Daddy's heart already.
Wow! She's gotten sooo big! What a doll. LOVE the pictures of them playing together. Too precious. Sweet daddy/daughter pictures. We need some mommy/daughter pictures, too, at some point! Thanks for posting!!
oh,i can hardly wait!!! they are looking soooo cute and loveable. see you tomorrow :-)
That little dumplin' definitely favors you, Jo!
P.S. Being that her cousin Zacharie now weighs well more than 17 lbs., I'm quite sure that Grammie must think that petite little Olivia is as light as a feather! That was interesting, too, to compare her weight with Stefan's. He was a chunk, wasn't he?
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