God made the trees.
That is how a lot of our conversations have been going lately. With the coming of warmer weather we have been spending more time outside. It has been wonderful to teach Stefan about God's beautiful creation. Today, since it is cold and and we can't go outside we decided to keep thinking about creation in a little project.

First we tore up paper and then put them in two piles by color. This was a really good color sorting project for Stefan.
That is how a lot of our conversations have been going lately. With the coming of warmer weather we have been spending more time outside. It has been wonderful to teach Stefan about God's beautiful creation. Today, since it is cold and and we can't go outside we decided to keep thinking about creation in a little project.
First we tore up paper and then put them in two piles by color. This was a really good color sorting project for Stefan.

We then stuck the paper on the tree outline with glue. He did amazingly well at this. Just a couple of months ago I did a project similar to this with Stefan and he didn't really get into it, and didn't "get" that we were making a picture. What a difference a couple of months makes. He totally got it today! I love seeing him catch on to new things.
Very pleased with himself. (Side note...when Stefan saw this picture right now as I type all he noticed was the garage door---boys!)
Stefan's absolute favorite book right now is a french book of objects with the words. He looks at that constantly .There must be something about the way the paintings are that he really loves. This is what we had sitting up as our model for our tree project.
What's this, Stefan? "TWEEEEEEEEEEEE" (Someday we'll get that 'R' in there!)
Great job Stefan! Great job Mommy!
You are such a good Mommy :-) And Stefan is such a good student :-)
I love his look of total pleasure of accomplishment! Did you teach him tree in French since he WAS using a French book?! :-) LOVE IT!
Great idea, Johanna! It is amazing how quickly toddlers grow and change in their comprehensive abilities. And Stefan sure does look cute in the "garage door" picture. (BTW, is that your garage? Just curious. ;)
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