
Monday, August 9, 2010

VBS Carnival

Last week our church had Vacation Bible School. Brian helped all week, but the kids and I were home. However, on the last night, which was carnival night, the younger kids were invited to come. Stefan loved it!

Trying out cotton candy with Ms. Lacey. That was the only bite he took. He did NOT like it! (Apple didn't fall far from the tree there--neither Brian nor I like it!)

Enjoying some of the games and getting lots of little prizes. He even aimed perfectly and dunked "Uncle" Jeremy (one of our pastors) in the dunk tank. Olivia spent most of the evening in Auntie Jennie's arms and fell right to sleep!
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Mom and Dad said...

Fun times, huh? Liked the pictures.

Donna said...

He seriously dunked Jeremy on his own? And where are the pictures of that. So glad you posted. I keep thinking about needing to ask you about it and forget.

Josh and Amy J. said...

Looks like lots of fun. Were you all pleased with the attendance during the week?

JennieB said...

It was a delightful evening for Olivia & me!! :-) The boys seemed to have a blast as well! :-)