
Saturday, January 29, 2011


Why is it that I feel like I only blog about working on the letter S? We do work on other letters, it just so happens that I don't always take pictures. Anyway, we have graduated from working on recognizing letters to working on sounds. So we've been doing all things, snow, snail, sail boat, snake, and of course STEFAN. One of my goals is to do better about posting our projects. We'll see:) Here was one thing we did this week with a snowman.

And speaking of sounds. Olivia's newest sound is 'B'. She has been saying ba-ba-ba-ba constantly the last couple of days.

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mom said...

sssssso glad that sssstefan knowssss the letter sssss. it comessss in handy! are you ssssure that Olivia is not sssssaying mimi?

Donna said...

Fun! And S is appropriate since you have so much snow!

Josh and Amy J. said...

This blog post was sponsored by the letter......"S" :-)

RuthBix said...

Cute new look to your blog! Guess I haven't been here in a little while. Bravo to both Stefan and Olivia for their mastering of their new letters. Cousin Zacharie is working on his b's, too, and m's and, of course, d's. But I'm afraid they are still somewhat nonsensical, but he's doing more of the imitation of sounds than before. Isn't it fun to watch them grow up! Hugs and kisses from all the Pessac Bixbys!