
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Different Personalities!

As Olivia's personality begins to blossom it has become apparent that she is very different from her brother. It is really so fun to watch the differences in them. I am loving seeing all the new things that each one comes up with, and look forward to all the moments of watching them grow up and their personalities develop. I don't want to pigeon hole any of my children into a certain type of personality. I want to see their own God-given characteristics develop and grow as they become the person God created them to be.

Olivia is always going! Her newest trick is climbing. And while I had seen her on top of the little table before, I was still wondering if she had had help getting up there (think brother?). But no... I caught her red handed yesterday. She also loves climbing in and out of Stefan's bed, and I caught her eyeing something on the kitchen counter with the chair dangerously close by. I knew what her little mind was up to, and I quickly stopped the activity. No doubt, however, sooner or later when Mommy isn't looking she'll figure out that she can reach up to grab something off the counter if she uses the chair.

She is already masterful at pushing around chairs to serve her purpose. Yes, she isn't even quite 13 months and she's not walking yet! Life's just going to get crazier. But boy is it fun to watch! Setting boundaries has new meaning now that Olivia is in the picture! I have a feeling she is going to be very creative when she grows up. We'll see though. We are just starting to get a peek of her little personality.

While Stefan has his loud and boisterous times, he can just as easily be completely engrossed in a book, puzzle, or moving vehicles. His imagination is just now really taking off. I heard him talking the other day about his trucks and cars being friends and they were having quite the conversation! He is becoming more creative with his play. He is much more methodical than Olivia is (at this point anyway), and he is a very neat boy. He loves lining things up neatly, and puts things away where they belong. (Yay for Mom!). I have a feeling he'll be cleaning up after his sister's messes a lot in the future! He can get easily frustrated when his sister comes barreling through and messes up all his neatly lined up toys. Just another opportunity to teach patience and self-control.

(Stefan took this picture himself. Didn't he do a great job? He said he wanted to show you all his train!)
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Josh and Amy J. said...

WOW - Olivia is a little monkey! A cute little monkey!

Donna said...

Too fun to see the differences! Olivia just cracks me up!!!

Very centered picture there, Stefan! And I LOVE your fancy train. Thank you for taking a picture of it. Auntie Donna loves you!

Mom and Dad said...

Different personalities make the world go round-- and can keep mommy busy, too :-) Cute comparison. Better make sure that the back door is locked shut ! Wish we could see them both.
And Stefan-- great picture. I love your train!