
Saturday, October 8, 2011

"Sorry, Mom! It can go in the wash."

It has been unseasonably warm this week. It's hard to believe that last Saturday we were at the Pumpkin Patch with weather in the 50's, and this Saturday it was in the mid-80's! Knowing that this kind of weather is coming to a close we decided to take advantage of it. This afternoon after the kids naps we headed out to a park very close to our house. We "hiked" along a trail by the water. I say "hike" simply because it was a rough trail, not because it was long. Ha!

It was perfect, as was evidenced by the smiles and dirt on our kids faces!

A girl and her Daddy

Contemplating getting over to the other side to climb those rocks!

Showing off a find from nature!

A stop for a picnic supper.
Side note: Do you know how hard it is to get two kids to eat when there is water to play in?
I'll leave that to your imagination.

They could have played here for hours.

When one plays in the water and trips, this is what happens!

He fell, got up, and said good naturedly, "Sorry, Mom! It can go in the wash."

Yes, Stefan, it can. And truthfully, I was thrilled.

I loved hearing in the car on the way home, "Daddy. Mommy. That was soooooooooo fun. We needs to do that alllllllllll the time."
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Donna said...

AWWWWWW! SOOOOO sweet! It was worth getting out the door, right?! ;-) Wish I could have tagged along! Can't believe it was warm enough to get in the water. Don't think it was that warm here.

johanna said...

Actually this kind of going out is no big deal. It's the all day kind of outings that take a lot of work!

Mom and Dad said...

Sounds like you all had a fabulous Saturday! You get such good pictures. And Stefan is right-- the fun is worth the extra wash load!

Liz said...

Oh, how fun!!!

Josh and Amy J. said...

What a fun place! Wish we could join you.