
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yum, yum, and more yum!

We just tried a new version of a fruit smoothie. Last week a local store had a case of mangoes on sale dirt cheap. I snatched them up and had on my mind to try a mango banana smoothie recipe that I had seen. The recipe included coconut milk but I thought I would just make it with yogurt since I have never used coconut milk. [Side note: Brian told me that when he was in Singapore they always used coconut milk in smoothies. I bet that was fresh though. Mmmm. that really sounds yummy. ] Anyway, would you believe that I was walking through Aldi the other day (love that store!) and they had coconut milk? So I tried the new smoothie recipe. Can it really be called a recipe with only three ingredients? I don't think so, but that is neither here nor there.

1 Mango
1 Banana (best if frozen before hand)
Coconut Milk (about 1/3 c. -- I just poured some in)
Add water as needed until desired consistency.

Blend all ingredients in blender.

Um. this. was. yummy.

And I'm not really a mango fan. I know my family is horrified about that, but I'm just not. But this was delicious. We had this yesterday and we liked it so much that I made some more to compliment our breakfast this morning.

Stefan declared it yummy.

What's not to love about this face?

Seriously. You should try this sometime. It's yummy. (The smoothie, not the face.)
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Donna said...

You crack me up! You make your blog private and your whole style changes. I LOVE THE CHANGE! I am completely totally and horribly horrified that you would dare admit that you don't like mangoes (and please at least pronounce it correctly next time we talk), but at least you are eating them in a smoothie. Can't wait to try it. I'll have to swing by Aldi and see if I can locate coconut milk. Is it with evaporated milk, etc? said...

will have to try this recipe out...I could go for a smoothie right about now! It's hot here!

Mom and Dad said...

I agree with Donna. But please, for your mother's sake, blog once in a while on the BB so the whole world can see your sweet kiddos.
CAR would deny your were born there if they knew the confession you made!

Mom and Dad said...

Oh yes, and since you are doing this whole private thingy-- can you take off the word verification? It drives me nuts :-)

Brian said...

Just took care of it, Mom. Thanks for the reminder.

Mom and Dad said...

thanks, Brian. What were you doing up so early or late???