
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cold Fall Day!

Saturday we headed up to Wisconsin to visit with Grandpa and Grandma Hanson. We also stopped by a farmer's market and enjoyed some free fun. This market had a petting zoo, but there were way more animals than most petting zoos have. They also had free train rides and horse and carriage rides. Stefan loved it. It was a bit chilly but it just made it all the more fun!

Do you see how big those pumpkins are? Gigantic! And the squash was dirt cheap. We bought a ton of it. I sense a lot of squash dishes this fall, and maybe a big baby food making day, as well!

Here is Stefan visiting with his great-grandparents (and their dog!). We had a nice visit with them. Grandpa seemed to be extra spry which was nice to see. He loved watching Olivia crawl around.

We also stopped (but no pictures) at an apple orchard very close to their place. One of Brian's Aunts and a cousin were working there so we stopped in to say hi and enjoy some hot apple cider and apple cider donuts! It was a fun day, and we were all exhausted when we got home. But it's a good kind of exhaustion:)
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Donna said...

I LOVE his smile. You can tell he is having soooo much fun! And the pic with B's gparents is so good. You should frame that and send it to them. What fun fun fun!

mom said...

What a fun packed day-- and so glad you were able to see great grandma and grandpa! There is a grandma here who would like a visit :-)

shay benzing said...

Sorry to have missed you last weekend but I'll be sure to be available next time!