
Friday, February 4, 2011

It's a BOY!!!!

We're pretty excited around here, because yesterday we found out that we'll be having another little boy in the family! The ultrasound was so fun. I was a little leary about taking the kids to it, but I'm glad we did as Stefan was completely fascinated with watching the pictures on the screen. Our ultrasound technician was wonderful and took lots of time pointing every detail out and he was enthralled, as were we!

He has been talking about a brother ever since, and it has been so fun to see how excited he is. Olivia, of course, has no idea what is going on, but I'm sure she'll be happy to remain in her spot as Daddy's only little princess for right now:)

I just love the pictures we got. This is a picture of the ultrasound so it is a bit fuzzy, but it is still good. It is absolutely amazing to me that he only weighs around 13 ounces and yet we can see all his little features so clearly. Our Creator is truly amazing.

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Mom and Dad said...

Amazing is right! All children are unique and amazing! So happy to KNOW that another little boy is joining the family. Love you all.

Donna said...

AMAZING! I see those and I wonder how people could EVER just call it a fetus and abort. So sad. He even looks like Stefan! LOVE IT!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED! Name????????? ;)

The Henson Family said...

Congratulations, what a blessing! We are so happy for you.