
Monday, February 28, 2011

Pregnancy Update

I thought I would share with you briefly what's going on around here. Most of you already know a good part of this, but to round out the details, I'll post here.

After having lots of fairly strong contractions at close intervals, we went to the doctor on Friday. I was monitored and given a shot to lessen the contractions. That helped, but as soon as the shot started to wear off, the contractions picked up again. I ended up in the hospital on Friday and spent the night there to be monitored, put on IV's, and given medication.

Over the weekend I took the medicine and stayed off my feet as much as possible. We are so blessed to have a wonderful church family and within a few hours of one person being made aware of what was going on our Life Group (small group in our church) had planned meals and child care for the weekend. What a blessing. I hadn't even had time to think through what would be needed before someone else had thought of it and made sure it was all taken care of. We are truly blessed.

We are blessed to have family in town as well. Bob came over and watched the kids when we had to go to the hospital, and today Jennie watched our kids and Bob took me to the doctor for a follow up appointment.

After my visit today, I feel like I know a little more what to expect long term. My contractions had decreased (thanks to the medicine and rest) to about one every 10 minutes. Since they had been coming every 4 minutes this was an improvement. I am going to have to stay on the medicine probably long term and monitor my activity. My doctor is wonderful and is very balanced I feel in his approach. He realizes that I have two small children and so has told me to do what I need to in order to care for them, but also to stop and put my feet up as much as possible. I'm not supposed to do any strenuous activity as well.

Basically, what this all means is that I need to follow my body. If contractions pick up, I need to do less, etc.

How you can pray:

1) That the baby will stay where he is for a good long while!
2) That I will have wisdom in following the clues my body is giving me and rest when I need to, eliminate what activities I need to, etc.
3) That I will submit to my husband's wishes when he warns me that I'm doing too much. I can be pretty stubborn about things like that. Ahem...

Thank you so much for your prayers. As long as things continue status quo, I will be taking the medicine every few hours and will have weekly visits with the doctor to check things out. I think I will start to feel like I'm living at the doctor's office:).

While I don't like the side effects of the medication, it is the lesser of two evils and I'm happy to do whatever is necessary for the health of our baby.


mom said...

praying so much for you and baby "george" :-)

Donna said...


Ashleigh Sutter said...

I will be praying. Thank you for your honesty in your post.

Becky said...

You're much in my prayers -- thanks for sharing this update and please continue to keep us posted on how you're doing.

Josh and Amy J. said...

Thanks for the update. Will continue to be praying that things improve and that Baby Boy Hanson delivers at term!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for posting this update, Johanna! Praying for you!