
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Little Stinker

Been wondering what the new one year old is up to?

Well, I found this around my house the other day...

Oh, and that milk I left sitting within reach for all of two minutes? Yep...on the floor. She wanted a drink, what can I say? And yes, she was actually lapping it up like a dog. Oh my. I was laughing so hard and I didn't get a picture of that. Oh well. Daddy mopped the floor for me after this so it's all good.

She keeps us on our toes, this one. No doubt about it!!!
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mom said...

oh my oh my!! you are going to have your hands full :-) But she is soooo cute!

Donna said...

toooooooo funny! That's my little stinker! :-) At least you get your floor mopped every now and then! And, she's just trying to help you out and has the TP all ready to use! ;-) Wish I could hug that stinker right about now!

Josh and Amy J. said...

Hilarious! Love the milk!