
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Beautiful Weather!

Today was one of those gorgeous days that you have to pinch yourself to remember that it is actually December. Weather in the 60's. Really? While it doesn't help in reminding you that Christmas is less than two weeks away, it is perfect for getting outside with the kids. And I found out there is a lot to learn when I'm outside.

One lonely leaf, hanging on for dear life
I saw this leaf and immediately thought about how sometimes I feel like this leaf. It is easy to think that we are self sustaining. We don't need anybody and can function all on our own. What we fail to realize is that this leaf isn't functioning by itself. A host of branches and roots are giving it life. As soon as it falls to the ground (or more likely one of my children pulls it off!), it will start to turn brown like the other myriad of leaves already on the ground. I too, cannot function alone and thankfully I don't have to. And my lifeline is not so precarious as it may seem. I have an amazing God, a supportive husband, a wonderful family, and the list could go on.

Two things that I experienced in the last few hours made me realize how we can't function alone. My husband, who saw last night that I was beyond exhausted. Suffice it to say sick kids and sleepless nights had taken its toll. At eight o'clock last night, Brian looked at me and said, you need to go to bed. Did I mention it was only 8? I did and went right to sleep. He brought Silas to me to feed around 11 and I had been sleeping so hard I hadn't even heard him cry which never happens. While I still had to feed Silas a few times, I can't tell you how much better I feel after getting the rest I did. And you know what Brian did, of course? While I was sleeping away, he was being an elf and washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. Love that man! I need him.

The other thing was a simple call I had to make to a friend from church this morning. We ended up chatting for awhile. It wasn't a particularly meaningful conversation in regards to what we were talking about, but it was very meaningful to me. My heart was light when I got off the phone with her because not only had I enjoyed a good conversation, but I had a friend. A friend here in Louisville. A friend from our church. We need friends. It's important. It's vital to our lifeline.

God has blessed me

All smiles in the sunshine.
Then there is my daughter. I love how happy she is. Really, she can find joy in just about anything. I want to be like her when I grow up. Today it was specifically the tricycle, and mud and leaves that she was mixing up.

Oh, and my girl who doesn't talk? When the neighbor boy started riding the tricycle she yelled, clear as day, "MY BIKE!" Ahem.

Fascination with details.
Stefan makes me smile. He can be running or riding around like he's fleeing a fire, and almost as suddenly stop dead in his tracks to observe something. Like this moment. He was speeding across the lawn on his bike, and almost in one motion jumped off the bike and picked up those leaves and sat there and observed for a good five minutes. I have no idea what he was trying to see in those leaves, but he was captivated. He loves details, yet he loves running around and being crazy just as much. You never know what to expect. I hope I never get to old to enjoy being carefree, and yet be fascinated with the most mundane of things. Like a dead leaf.


Donna said...

Precious! Words fail me. So thankful. So blessed.

Donna said...

Okay, she's so stinkin' cute it hurts!

mom said...

This mama is so blessed to have a blessed mama like you for a daughter! Great thoughts and great pictures. Love you.