
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our Christmas

Well, here goes a small sampling of our Christmas.  We have had a wonderful season, but much of the joy of the season comes from the little light of excitement in our children's eyes, excited squeals, looks of awe, satisfied looks between Mommy and Daddy because the kids are so happy.  None of these things, though, can be caught on camera.  

It is nice though, to try to catch a few memories.  Memories we will always cherish.

Gazing at the Christmas tree. It never gets old and we'll all be sad when we put it all away.  Yet, the excitement keeps on because there is always next year! 


Our Gingerbread house we made. Not too shabby for little hands. 

Even better than the finished product is the fun we had working together.  The laughter, the joy, the mess. It was all wonderful!  We traditionally listen to the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols from Cambridge on Christmas Eve. This year we decorated our gingerbread house while doing. This just might become a tradition.

Happy with the results! 
I think that I will buy the cookie cutters for a gingerbread house so that next year I can make my own. the kits are nice and all, but who wants to eat something that has been in a box for months? Not us! So we just look at it :) .

Christmas festivities!  No explanation needed! 

"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly." -Andy Rooney

This gift was a hit, and is going to be enjoyed by all!


Sneaking something from the candy dish!


"I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus!"


Mom and Dad said...

So love them all!!

Donna said...

Looks like you had a festive Christmas and got some good traditions rolling! <3

Becky Holmquist said...

Johanna, I just had to gather the kids around the computer to see these wonderful pictures! Loved them all.Love and miss you and your sweet family. Love from the Holmquists said...

Love the pics! Glad you enjoyed your day! We never eat our gingerbread houses either! ;)

Bob Bixby said...

Loved these. I miss you guys so much.

Josh and Amy J. said...

Loved your Christmas overview!