
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Reading 2011

I love to read. No surprise there, right? I had a goal of reading twelve books this year and I'm so pleased to tell you all that I not only met that goal, I actually surpassed it a little. I really didn't think I would especially when there was a couple of months where I didn't read at all after having a baby and moving in the same month.  It just goes to show that even reading just 5 or 10 minutes at a time adds up! Anyway,  just for fun, I thought I'd share what I read. Very eclectic, but that's my personality, so what can I say?  I had no plan for my reading. It definitely shows and I want to have a better plan this year.  Random reasons I decided to pick a certain book: New York Times Bestseller; Personal interest; Classic; Recommendation of a friend; no reason at get the idea:). So here they are. In no particular order.

1. Womanly Dominion by Mark Chanski
2. Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan (I'm ashamed to admit this was the first time I had read it in its entirety including the second part about Christian's wife.)
3. For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn
4. The Millionaire Next Door by Stanley and Danko
5. A Mom After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George
6. French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano
7. Adopted for Life by Russell Moore
8. Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider
9. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua
10. The Fiddler's Gun by A. S. Peterson 
11. Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic
12. Last Child In the Woods by Richard Louv
13. A Different Kind of Teacher by John Taylor Gatto
13. The Help by Katheryn Stockett
14. The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis

Some books were gripping. Some made me think. Some didn't stretch my mind at all. Some opened my eyes to our history and culture.  Some opened my eyes to other cultures. Some made me laugh.  Some gave me insights to being a better mom or wife. Some pointed me to Christ.

While some books were just okay and not great, I still benefit from reading. I never want to stop reading and learning. Many of the books, though, were great.

My goal for this next year is to read at least 15 books. I want to pick books in various genres. My parents surprised me with a Kindle this Christmas which I am thrilled about and will help me keep up my reading more easily, I think.

Some of the genres I want to read in include history, fiction, biography, theology, Christian living, education, culture, parenting, etc.  I would LOVE any of your recommendations!

So here is your chance to leave a comment. You don't have to tell me how cute my kids are or anything like that, just leave a book title that you think I would enjoy reading!  


Bob Bixby said...

"Jesus Made in America" by Stephen Nichols

Keren said...

Thanks for sharing your list. I read 5 of the ones from your list from this last year.

Some of my favorites from 2011 were, "Unbroken," "King's Cross" and "Generous Justice" by Tim Keller, "The Kite Runner" by Hosseini, "Half the Church" by Carolyn Custis James, and "The King Jesus Gospel" by Scot McKnight.

I also enjoyed reading a biography of MLK, Jr. and "Slavery by Another Name" by Blackmon.

Thanks for sharing your list--I find it fascinating to see and learn from what others are reading.